Outside my window....
The weather is so much nicer! It feels as if we may have an early fall here in Alabama.
To Live the Liturgical Year...
This week we celebrate the feasts of St. Bartholomew, St. Monica, St. Augustine, and the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist.
I Am Thankful For...
Such a blessed day - yesterday!
First, I had the honor of serving Our Lord at Holy Mass. Then we had orientation for PSR (Parish School of Religion). It was so good being back in the Atrium. Snuggle Bug was excited to see friends and find out which class she will be in. The House Cat was equally excited - she will be confirmed this year! We are so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful parish community!
My honey and I also met with our Teams of Our Lady prayer group yesterday. We love having this time together to pray, talk, and laugh with other couples who are fighting to keep their marriages holy and pleasing to God. With so many marriages ending in divorce, we can't let our guards down for a minute!
One Of My Favorite Things...
Cool breezes in August!
I Am Creating...
Plans for the week. I'm hoping to have a few minutes this week to check out this
post and maybe make a folder for reading lists etc.
Some Plans for the week(outside the home)...
Bowling today.
PSR family supper with Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday.
Our first sewing group meeting on Thursday.
Honey Bee and Snuggle Bug both have doctor visits on Friday and
The House Cat turns 13 on Saturday. Wow - I'd better eat my Wheaties this week :)
My Picture Thought...

Snuggle Bug's Nature Journal.