Outside my window... Things are sooo much clearer. I was so blessed to be able to clean my windows this weekend! I know that sounds odd, but you really appreciate good health when you've gone without it.
I'm thankful for.... The phone call I received this morning with the wonderful news! Thank you God for all of your blessings!
I'm hearing.... My children talking, singing songs from The Prince of Egypt, and enjoying each others company.
I'm looking forward to... Honeybee's Godparents coming over for supper tonight. We will finally celebrate her Baptism Anniversary - about a month late. Better late than never :) She's excited!
Around the house... Curtains are down for washing, blinds are dusted, dryer is running, big girls are working on cleaning out their desks, Honeybee's making a mess :) and Buck is playing with cars and pretending to be a Jedi in training.
I'm excited about... The upcoming "school" year. We don't really break the year up into school time and non-school time. I believe everything we do should be educational - working towards heaven. My goal is to surround our children with everything that is beautiful. Can't wait for payday to order some more school books.
I'm so looking forward to our PSR (Parish School of Religion) starting back in August. I have been so blessed by the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and can't wait to get back in the Atrium and co-listen to God with the children.
I'm praying for..... My cousin Danny who is battling cancer. Dear Lord, please heal him if it is Your Holy Will.
Also for all of our priest (Parish priest and Father Mark in particular)
I'm working on.... My new planner and creating my own file crate system.
I'm listening to .... Natalie Grant's CD Awaken.
I truly believe... We must be so careful with the music we listen to and the movies/TV shows we watch! May it ALL bring glory to God! (For the record....I don't always succeed in this but, I keep trying!)
My picture thought:
Visit Peggy for more daybook entries.
I enjoyed reading your daybook :)
WE LOVE THAT PRIMER! and enjoy it every Independence Day... ~smile~ Your berries and pound cake look DELISH~we always enjoy them on a biscuit. (((((HUGS))))) sandi~adding my voice in prayer right.this.minute.
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