So how do homeschoolers begin their day? I'm sure the answer to that varies as the colors of the rainbow. We've definietly done lots of different things over the years to begin our day! So, what are we doing now?
We begin our mornings together comfortably seated, mom with coffee in hand - listening to each other read the the daily Mass readings. We love The Word Among Us Meditations on the daily readings! They are always right on!
After this we take turns leading a prayer. This is a great time to practice the new revisions or to learn new prayers. We keep our prayer cards with the new translations in our "Morning Prayer Basket" along with various picture Bibles, saint books and books from the Catholic Mosaic list.
Then we may read about the Saint of the day. I use this amazing resource to see if I have a story about them in one of our many books. The list starts with Jan 1 and lists various resources you can use to read about the saint of the day.
(If you read this and you are the hard working person who compiled this list, please let me know so I can give you the praise you deserve!)
Since our history program is centered on our faith, this is also a good time to talk about the unit we are studying and read something that corresponds to that. We may read a story from the Once Upon a Time Saints series. (I organized a list of stories by month of the saints from the Once Upon a Time Saint stories series.)
We may also sing a song or work on the corresponding memory work from Classically Catholic Memory.
It all depends on where The Holy Spirit leads us.