Thursday, December 18, 2008

Come "O Lord and Ruler"

Snuggle Bug's copy work for today

Today we celebrate the 2nd O Antiphon, where we call to God again to come and save His people. Tonight we will put the lights on the Christmas tree. This seems fitting since the Jesse Tree readings and the O Antiphon symbol both point to light(Moses and the burning bush).

We set up our new nativity scene last night that Dad and Buck so craftily made for us. Dad blessed it using this blessing

God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made manifest your love: when our need for a Savior was great you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary. To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy, and love.

Lord, bless all who look upon this manger; may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise up our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Savior of all, and who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

R. Amen.
and we put the animals in. We are all joyfully anticipating the arrival of Joseph and Mary on Christmas Eve!

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