Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hot Cross Buns

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Mark 14:38

How true this is. Good Friday is the one day a year that I truly deny my body of all that it craves. As the day approaches, I know a huge challenge is ahead. I love food and drink. Really love it - especially my coffee in the morning :) However on this day, the coffee pot stands unused. There's n0 breakfast cooking - only leftover pita bread from the night before. Then there's Stations at Noon and Father's Meditations on the Last Seven Words of Our Lord. I take The House Cat and Snuggle Bug with me. We arrive just in time for the First Station. I try my best to focus. My stomach growls. I think of Our Lord and all He suffered for us those last hours of His life. I know it wasn't the Roman soldiers that caused His sufferings but MY SINS.

Father's first meditation "Father, forgive them they know not what they do," is wonderful. We must forgive. It's imperative! When we have difficulties with this we need to look at the crucifix and think of Jesus' example for us.

The second mediation "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise," reminded me of my conversion and all the wonderful people who have shared Jesus with me. I hope to share Him with all those I come in contact with.

By the third meditation, I'm really fading. My spirit wants to stay but, my flesh is weak. The headache is coming and I'm thinking of the drive home. I lean over and ask the girls if they are ready - they want to stay! I'm trying to be a good role model. I want to stay but, I just can't. I tell them I need to leave. They follow me out. I apologize for not staying and The House Cat says, "Don't worry mom, it gives me an opportunity to practice obedience." This is one of those times when my children blow me away!

I ended up making The Hot Cross Buns for supper. They were wonderful! We were so thankful for Our Lord's sacrifice for our souls and for the food in our tummies.


Jessica Gordon said...

Your Hot Cross Buns turned out wonderful!

Happy Easter to you and your family!

Lori said...

Thanks Jessica! God Bless you all too :)

Praying the Rosary keeps us close to Jesus