Monday, December 14, 2009

My Daybook Entry ~ Advent Week Three

For Today ~ Monday, December 14, 2009

Outside my window ~ Wet and cloudy. It's not helping me to feel very energetic this morning.

I'm thinking of ~ A very blessed, busy weekend. Is there any way not to be busy this time of the year?

Plans for the week ~ Hopefully the weather will clear up and we will make a trip to a Christmas Tree farm. I've been wanting to do this for a few years but, it hasn't happened yet. I have a couple of books checked out from the library to read before we go.

On Tuesday ~ Snuggle Bug has a piano lesson and The House Cat will follow her with her first lesson. She noodles around on the piano a lot but, we want her to learn to read music too.

On Wednesday ~ we begin praying the Christmas Novena. The forecast looks pretty good for Christmas tree shopping today :)

Thursday ~ The O' Antiphons begin. Thanks for sharing your plans Jessica!

Friday ~ Gym day with our home school group and our Christmas Play. The House Cat has been getting ready to lead the Christmas songs with her guitar at the end of each scene. Snuggle Bug will narrate The Annunciation and The Visitation and then join The House Cat in singing. Buck will be the Angel Gabriel in the first scene and a shepherd in The Angels and Shepherd's scene. Honeybee will be Mary in the Annunciation and The Visitation. We'll need to get together their costumes before Friday.

Saturday ~ Cookie Swap with the girls. I think we'll take Snicker doodles this year. I've never made them - but, they were one of my favorite desserts brought to me while recovering from surgery.

We'll also be decorating as we go this week as we prepare for Christmas next Friday. I've also got Christmas cards to address and mail, presents to wrap to put under the Nativity set like last year on Christmas Eve, and a meal and shopping list to make for my sweet husband who does the majority of the shopping.

I hope to ~ make homemade Christmas Ornaments with the kids this week. A Year With God has a precious one of baby Jesus that you can make into an ornament or a cake topper for his Birthdy cake.

We'll also be preparing for an outing next Monday to sing Christmas carols at Children's Hospital with lots of good friends. I need to pick up stuffed animals to place under the tree for the staff to give to the children there. May God watch over and bless all families spending this season in the hospital with sick children.

My Picture Thought ~

Mexican Wedding Cookies and Paper Roses from Our Lady Of Guadalupe's Feast Day Saturday.

Visit Peggy for more daybook inspiration.

1 comment:

jen mackintosh said...

I'm catching up...and your days look lovely...full of preparation and anticipation this Advent!

Loved catching up with you!!!

And....I couldn't wait to get over here and say -- ROLL TIDE -- I know, I'm late, but I'm just getting back to computering around! :) And, I knew you'd be my only blog friend that would appreciate that!!!

Praying the Rosary keeps us close to Jesus