Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sweet & Simple on St. Lucy's Day

Honeybee asked me the other day, "Mommy, why don't you ever play with me?"  Lets see...laundry, cooking, cleaning, schooling..... Oh yeah, in a five year old's mind those are things that mom enjoys doing. Right?  So, yesterday afternoon I had a little spare time to stop and "play" with Honeybee.  Around 4:00pm I asked her if she'd like to make a crown for St. Lucia's Day.  I know this is traditionally worn in the morning to wake the family.  For those of you who know me, you know that I am NOT a morning person....  I was so excited to see this easy paper crown and we even had a paper plate with a pretty floral edge on it!  Yay, I thought this might actually come together!

Once the crown was made, she and Snuggle Bug, who was now in on the action, ran back to her closet and found her white "dress up" gown.  She added one of her brother's white undershirts and my red robe sash and looked just precious!  Now for the buns...  Thank goodness Jessica mentioned cinnamon rolls in one of her posts.  Thankfully, my honey calls on his way home from the dentist..., "Do you need me to pick up anything?", he asks. 
Cinnamon Rolls of course!
Honeybee was just thrilled to bring dessert to the table as I played Santa Lucia in the background. 

Later I asked her if this counted as me playing with her.  She looked at me with eyes that said, "What are you talking about?"  Oh well.....at least I tried :)

Saint Lucia ~ Pray for us


Catherine Anne said...

I love your craft idea. Very cute. St. Lucy is a wonderful celebration. Blessings Catherine

nest full of eggs said...

very clever idea to use a paper plate to make a St Lucia crown !

Donna said...

I've always been intimidated by the feast day thinking I couldn't make a crown- yours looks precious and how sweet to have time with your baby girl. I love her dress and sash too by the way- very cute!

Praying the Rosary keeps us close to Jesus