Tuesday, January 11, 2011

7 Quick Takes towards living in Ordinary Time

It's that time again...ordinary time.  One may be inclined too think this is a just a drab, numbered time.  Oh, but it is so much more!  The church in her wisdom knows what we need.  We need continual growth ~ Spiritual Growth!  So now we begin this time of "growing".

I've been extremely blessed by the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training I've had.  I learned sooooo much during the classes!  One lesson we share with the children is on the liturgical colors of the church year.  This lesson shares with the children the colors of the liturgical year and the significance of each..  Ordinary time is called "the growing time" and is green.  Of course this is the time where we all take steps to grow closer to Our Lord during this ordinary or non-feast time in our year.

Last night at the supper table I posed the question, "Let's all think of a way we can grow closer to God during this "growing time." 

Here are our 7 quick takes on growing loser to God during this "Ordinary Time."
  1. Exercise temperance through diet and exercise. (Dad)
  2. Keep your hands to yourself.  (Honeybee)
  3. Family prayer time after supper BEFORE the TV is turned on. (Snuggle Bug)
  4. No name calling. (Buck)
  5. Consistent bed time for all so that mom and dad can have time together.  (House Cat)  8:30 for Buck and Honeybee and 9:00 for House Cat and Snuggle Bug.  The older two can read in bed till 9:30.
  6. More couple prayer time.(The Magnificat, Daily Prayer for our Children)   Just mom and dad - praying for our marriage and our children.  Try to do this after dad's home for work before supper.(Mom)
  7. Make time for weekly adoration.
Dear Lord, please strengthen our family.  Help us to grow closer to you during this ordinary time.  Help us to loving serve you by serving one another cheerfully.  Protect us from the wickedness and snares of the devil!  We pray for our children's vocations.  Please help us to lead them to love You more than anything else in this world.  Amen.

visit Conversion Diary for more quick takes

1 comment:

Donna said...

These are great growing time resolutions- we definitely need to find the right time for couple prayer- late at night is NOT the time! :) I like the before dinner idea.

Praying the Rosary keeps us close to Jesus