Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm Back :)

Hi again, everyone :) 
Hope you are all having a wonderful summer! 

 Well, my plans have changed once again...  Woke up with back pain last Sat. morning
 :(  Turns out my L5 disc is degenerating, bulging, and has a small rupture.  So, after a week of hobbling around, sitting on an iced gel pad,  and dealing with what felt like electrical pains shooting in my hips and down my legs, I'm recovering from a spinal epidural steroid injection....

My husband and children have been wonderful caregivers, as usual.  God bless them for all of their hard work in keeping things running with mom on the DL.

The big girls have finally finished up their school work for a short, summer break.  I really do believe in year round schooling.  After all, homeschooling is a way of life.  If we help our children LOVE to learn, they will never want to stop!!!  Snuggle Bug's been done a week and just yesterday was heard to say, "I'm ready to get back to schooling, I'm bored."

One thing I'm really excited to come across is Classically Catholic Memory.  Just the other day I met someone who was raving about Classical Conversations.  Of course, I came straight home to look it up, only to be disappointed by how anti-Catholic parts of it were.  What now, I thought?  There must be something else out there.  So, I took off to researching...One thing I just Love to do :) 

Within a couple of days of searching, emails starting coming through the RC Connecting With History yahoo groups site about this same issue.  How Providential is that????  This is just perfect!!!  CCM will compliment our history program perfectly!
God is sooo GOOD! 

I agree with Snuggle Bug...  I'm ready to get going again too!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Okay- now I will have to check in on this Clasical Catholic business- and I didn't know RC history had a yahoo group. More internet time for momma tonight! Hope you are getting relief- let me know if it worked- praying for relief for you and sweet Buck!

Praying the Rosary keeps us close to Jesus