Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Homemade Christmas Cards

We spent the day making homemade Christmas cards.  The little ones were excited to walk into the kitchen and see the island ready for this art extravaganza!

I found the cutest hand print Christmas cards.

~Honeybee's Angel ~

~ Buck's Reindeer ~

I'm sure these will make loved ones smile when they open them!

I also wrote out the words 
 Christian and Christmas
showing them how both have the name
Christ in them. 
I had told them this before but,
Buck had a "light bulb" moment when he saw them actually written out.

I was wiped out by the end of the day but, I think it was well worth the effort :)

1 comment:

Donna said...

Gorgeous! You are so creative! I love the angel! I LOVE this book idea- we have just pulled this one and that one our of the basket at night- but I would love to be real diligent about it. So happy you are having such a fruitful and joyful Advent/Christmas!

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