Thursday, January 12, 2012

An observation on Exploring Creation's A&P Science Book

Snuggle Bug is studying Exploring Creation with Human and Anatomy and Physiology this year.  For the most part she really enjoys this book.  It is colorful, well-written, and very informative.  It is written from a Christian perspective, but not Catholic.  At times this bugs her.  For instance: 

  • Chapter 7 begins with a section on the author's beliefs... "The Bible tells us, 'For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.'"  She then asks, "Have you received God's free gift?  If not, you can right now through prayer.  Tell God that you believe Jesus died on the Cross to pay for all your sins.  Ask God to forgive you for "missing the mark." Then place all your trust in Christ and receive his forgiveness.  If you have done this God says you have passed from spiritual death into spiritual life.  You are now a new creation in Christ all because of the blood of Jesus!" 
  • In the Notebooking  Journal lesson 7 questions they ask: What does a person have to do to be forgiven for their sins once and for all and receive life everlasting? The person must believe that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sin and accept the forgiveness that comes from Jesus' blood. 

Of course we as Catholics believe that Jesus died on the cross for our salvation, but we do not believe in "Once Saved, Always Saved."  Amy Welborn has a great chapter in Prove It, Church on this.  She says, "The easiest way to see the difference between the Catholic and evangelical viewpoints on salvation is this: Evangelical and fundamentalist Christians see salvation as a moment.  Catholics understand salvation as a process."  She cites 2 Corinthians 2:15 and 13:5, Philippians 2:12, and 2 Timothy 2: 11-13.

SB's Notebooking Page.  The 3rd section is her response to this section.
us all eternal life.  
(these words were cut off)

  Of course, you could just overlook these sections and use the book for just the A&P. 

 I just wanted to give you a heads up.

Is there ever going to be a Catholic Science program like the Exploring Creation? 
 If there is one you know about, please share!!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

I LOVE Snuggle Bug's answer- she has been well catechised and is firmly planted! Yay! Sorry they had to add that in there.

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