Monday, January 25, 2010

A Blessed Woman's Daybook

Outside my window ~ Blackbirds, blackbirds, and more blackbirds. Boy they sure are chatty! The birds gave us quite a show Saturday morning. I don't think I've ever noticed so many in our yard at once. We could barely get finished with our lunch without someone jumping up and grabbing the binoculars. A special treat for me was seeing our Blue Jay and his mate. Another first!

I'm hearing ~ silence. It's after ten and everyone else has gone to bed. I've been trying to type this post all day to no avail.

We're looking forward to ~ 19 Kids and Counting: Special Duggar Delivery will air Sunday night at 7 central time on TLC. We enjoy watching the Duggars. They are such a beautiful Christian example to the world!

I'm wearing ~ my new University of Alabama shirt (Roll Tide), black pull on pants, and my hair is still in the braid that Snuggle Bug fixed this morning.

Around the house ~ Buck has successfully knocked all three of the pictures off the wall leading from the living room down the hall. How, you may ask? Playing football - of course :) I'll buy new frames later. For now he needs to be a boy.

Recipe of the week ~ Baked Zucchini Sticks with Homemade Marinara Sauce. This was Yummmmy! Thanks for the recipe Gina. This one is definitely a keeper....Yummy and Low point!

Weight Watchers ~ I am not focused on the scale. Repeat -I am not focused on the scale! Today was my meeting day. I was determined to be happy no matter what the scale said! I am peaceful with knowing I am being temperate with my food, sticking to the plan and not overeating . I took a new notebook with me to write down goals, recipes, and other info that comes up in the meetings. Yes, I'm a note taker :) It's good to be back and I already am feeling so much better - even if the scale doesn't show much of change ;)

Thought of the day ~ Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!

Healthy Goal(s) this week ~ Walk at least three times and eat breakfast first thing in the morning.

We are creating ~ A Book of Centuries for The House Cat and Snuggle Bug. Also, we picked up needlepoint and cross-stich packets at Michael's this weekend.

I'm planning ~ on Snuggle Bug starting a bird book of her own. I'd love to hear suggestions if any has them.

A picture thought ~
Visit Peggy for more daybook inspiration.

1 comment:

dtbrents said...

Your daybook is beautiful. I enjoyed reading it. I'm trying to live a healthier life this year also. I love the picture of the birds. Doylene

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