Saturday, February 28, 2009
Why is Fasting Important?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Honeybee Noticed

Our Crown of Thorns
We told Jesus we were sorry for all of the thorns as we stuck them into the crown (dough).
Buck and Honeybee have been anxious to be good about things constantly asking to pull out a thorn. I suspect The House Cat and Snuggle Bug have reached the age of making sure they are alone before they remove any. They are such good kids.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pretzels and Pancakes
Tonight we will have a BIG pancake supper. In some places Fat Tuesday is called Pancake Tuesday. Buck's excited about this. He LOVES pancakes :) Then tonight we will talk more about replacing worldly activities with Godly ones this Lent. Before bed we'll collect all of the DVDs and videos that have no spiritual meaning and put those away. We'll fill the basket with all of our good spiritual videos. Then I'll drape a purple cloth over the TV which will remind us of our Lord's retreat into the desert and the beginning of Lent. It will stay there all of Ash Wednesday.
On Wednesday we will make our crown of thorns and begin on our Jesus Tree.
We'll go to Mass with dad in the evening and receive the cross of ashes on our foreheads. This is done as a sign of repentance for our sins. The ashes are made from burning last years palm branches. The priest reminds us that we are dust and to dust we shall return. We must strive to perfect our souls to live forever in heaven with our Lord.
Feb. 2009 Bible Coloring Pages
Feb 1st Jesus teaches in the synagogue
Feb 1st Word Search
Feb 2 The Presentation of the Lord
Feb 2 Simeon and Anna
Feb 3 Jarius' daughter
Feb 3 Woman made clean
Feb 4 Jesus is rejected
Feb 5 Jesus' disciples
Feb 6 John the Baptist
Feb 8 Jesus heals Peter's Mother-in-Law
Feb 8 Gospel Word Search
Feb 9/10 Creation
Feb 11 Adam and Eve
Feb 15 Be made clean
Feb 16 Cain and Abel
Feb 17 Noah's Ark
Feb 19 Noah and the Rainbow
Feb 20 Tower of Babel
Feb 21 The Transfiguration
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Preparing for Lent 2009

Jesus Tree week one week two week three week four week five week six week seven
More than likely we will read the daily scripture readings with coloring pages as normal with our morning prayers then re-read the bible story of the day from the New Catholic Picture Bible
Now, for self denial. This is something that is all but lost in our culture today. It is such a beautiful gift of self and truly pleasing to our Lord. He did teach us (it is in giving that we receive). This is easier to do outside the home. Especially when you are together ALOT as homeschooling families are. However, this is the MOST important place to start!!!!!
I'm thinking of giving each member of the family a jar with a lid (like a Mason jar). Each time that person gives of himself he/she will put a treat in the jar. (jelly beans, skittles, m&m s).
Older children won't need as much supervision as little ones ;)
After Easter Sunday Mass, we will take our jars and look at all the little presents we gave Jesus during Lent. Then we get to enjoy the treats during the Easter season.

Directions:Mix flour and salt. Mix enough water to make a stiff clay. (A little warmth helps dissolve the salt.) Knead until smooth to remove any air bubbles. Roll three long ropes and loosely braid them. Form braid into a circle and stick toothpicks loosely throughout the entire crown (If they are embedded too deeply they cannot be pulled out intact.) Bake at 350° F for an hour or until it is dry and light brown.
On Ash Wednesday, follow the instructions above to make a salt dough crown of
thorns with your children, anticipating Lenten sacrifices your family hopes to
make. Place the crown in a prominent place in your home; it makes an excellent
centerpiece for your dining room table, and placing it upon a royal purple cloth
has a striking effect.
For each Lenten sacrifice a family member makes, he
or she pulls a toothpick out of the crown. This activity makes a great visual
reminder of Christ’s suffering: Parents can explain to their children that sin
brings additional pain to Jesus’ suffering and good works can comfort Him and
show our love for Him.
The goal should be to remove all “thorns” from the
crown by Easter. Once all the “thorns” have been removed, you can paint the
crown gold or otherwise decorate it with colorful craft jewels, beads, or
flowers where the “thorns” once were as a sign of the triumph of our risen King.
This makes a beautiful Easter Sunday centerpiece with a great story to share
with your guests. (Stacy Mitch in her article “Hearts at Home: Living the Liturgy as Preparation for Our Heavenly Home” in the November/December ’06 issue of Lay Witness)
This looks like a very informative lapbook. I'll probably wait a year or two and use this with Buck and Honeybee. As for The House Cat and Snuggle Bug, we'll see where the Holy Spirit leads us.
The House Cat will be Reading

Thanks Mary for letting me know about the Lenten adventure from Holy Heroes. I look forward to getting the "free" emails and seeing what it has to offer.
That's all for now. I pray for you all to have a blessed Lent. God Bless
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Playing Catch-up
First up: Buck's Journal of our trip to Louisiana along with his coloring of a turtle. We saw tons of turtles "sun bathing" on logs in the bayou.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Snuggle Bug!
We had a great day today celebrating the gift of our snuggle bug. It's hard to believe she's now double digits! She is such a joy!
I hope to get back to posting soon. I haven't been feeling too well since our trip.
I'll have to take a rain check on WoW this week. I'm not sure I want to know the tale of the tape
We picked up The Passion of Bernadette. I'd better get the little ones ready for bed so when can check it out. God Bless.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
950 miles later.............We're home!
The kids had never been to Louisiana. They saw so many wonderful things. I'll be sharing some of that soon. On our way home yesterday, we stopped in New Orleans and visited Jackson Square and St. Louis Cathedral. We even had beignets at Cafe du Monde. They were YUMMY! Although my honey said they couldn't touch his grandmama's! :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
St. Scholastica

I couldn't find a coloring sheet of St. Scholastica so I went with this one of a nun.
For supper we'll have Chicken Linguine with Red Sauce and a side dish of spinach.
The kids spoke of acting out a skit of this today. We'll see if they put on a show for us after supper.
St. Scholastica - Pray For Us!!!
Picture from Yesterday!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009
A Blessed Woman's Daybook
For Today
Monday, February 9, 2009
Outside My Window...
Skies are gray but the temps. warmer. The kids are all in the backyard already. Even The House Cat's back there. She and Snuggle Bug discovered a tree they could climb and sit in for inspiration. They've been discussing what they should name it :)
I am thinking...
I'm glad we'll be home for the most part this week. Last week was very busy with blessings!!!
On Wed. I took my mom to see a Rheumatologist. They x-rayed her entire body and took lots of blood. He thinks she may have fibromyalgia. We'll go back next week for her test results. Please keep her in your prayers. Thursday was children's theater and art class and Friday we went shopping with our tax refund, which was fun but tiring. My honey and I went for a guitar jam on Friday night. Then on Sat. we signed Buck up for T-ball after that, we had lunch with friends from India. I see a big lapbook on India coming up soon. After lunch, more errands for my honey then I actually went to Kohl's for a couple of hours to shop for myself :) I got home around 9:30 and then studied for atrium until 11:00p.m.. Sunday was an early start with 8:30am Mass and then Atrium until 11:30. I can't relay in words how much of a blessing it is to learn The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd! God is so good! The more I give of myself the richer I become!
I am thankful for...
The two hour nap my honey let me get yesterday afternoon. I sure needed it!!!
From the learning rooms...
Let's see.....
The House Cat's continuing math(Saxon 8/7) as usual. She's also working on a lapbook for Feb.2. She's reading Shakespeare's Richard III and continuing to write her book, Kainra. Continuing Apologia General Science and Catholic World Culture (Seton).
Snuggle Bug finished her math(Saxon 5/4) and is waiting for her next book to come in. We went with MCP for now. I'm thinking it will be a little more relaxed than the Saxon. She is reading The Hobbit and books from Along the American History Trail.Continuing Seton's Science 4 and Intermediate Language Lessons.
Buck's continuing Hooked on Phonics, Explode the Code, and I'm waiting on Miquon Math Lab Materials: Orange Book Level 1 to come in. I used this with the older girls and think he's ready for it now. He loves playing with the Cuisenaire Rods so we'll see.
Honeybee's moving onto Letter B from Serendipity's Along the Alphabet Path. I still need to make her a folder for that. She and Buck continue to enjoy coloring the daily scripture coloring sheets (posted on my sidebar)
I am reading...
Precious Treasure The Story of Patrick
Around the house...
Things are pretty messy :) It's too hard to keep the house nice and tidy when you're on the go.
One of my favorite things...
The light in children's eyes when they speak of God.
A picture thought I'm sharing...
I'm having trouble getting the pic uploaded???? Not from the digital camera this time.... I scanned it onto the computer but can't get it onto my blog??? Hopefully I'll figure it out soon. For now I'll post without it :(
For more daybook enteries visit Peggy.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
WoW - Week 2

Results for WoW week 2:
Week 2 Weight Loss/Gain: -2 pounds
Week 2 Inches Loss/Gain: -1 1/4 inches
Overall Results: -9 pounds and -9 3/4 inches
Plans for Week 3:
Continue to Walk Away the Pounds
Continue trying new recipes from Saving Dinner the Low-Carb Way: Healthy Menus, Recipes, and the Shopping Lists That Will Keep the Whole Family at the Dinner Table
Spend some time looking through The New Glucose Revolution Low GI Family Cookbook: Raise Food-Smart Kids--100 Fun and Delicious Recipes Made Healthy with the Glycemic Index
Stay away from as much refined sugar as possible!!!
To see more WoW results visit Regina. Keep up the good work girls!
Please pray for Amy Welborn and family

Amy Welborn's husband, Michael Dubruiel, was taken suddenly to his eternal reward yesterday. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for Amy and their family who are grieving.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

The Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes begins today or yesterday if you remembered. :)
I'm hoping this will be our night prayers for the next nine nights. Then on the last night (Feb 11) we'll try to go to our parish for family movie night and watch the movie Bernadette
January 2009 Bible Coloring Pages
Jan 15 Jesus heals the leper
Jan 16 Paralytic lowered through roof
Jan 17 The call of Levi
Jan 18 God calls Samuel
Jan 18 Christ changes Simon's name
Jan 19 Priest
Jan 20 Grain
Jan 21 Jesus heals man with withered hand
Jan 22 Protect the unborn baby
Jan 24 Angel blowing trumpet
Jan 25 Fishers of men
Jan 25 Nineveh repents
Jan 26 Psalm 96:1
Jan 28 Parable of the Sower
Jan 30 Parable of the Mustard seed
Jan 31 Jesus calms storm
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Presentation : A celebration of Light

Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the fourth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. Another name for today is Candlemas We'll read about this as a family and I'll also read to Buck and Honeybee from their children's picture bible. I've shared two coloring sheets on the sidebar for today. They'll color those and add to their folders.
By Sun and Candlelight has a lovely post with sooo many ideas for celebrating today. She shares
"In the early sixteenth century the monks at Melrose Abbey in Scotland, dedicated to Mary, believed that the snowdrop, which grew in the Mary garden there, bloomed on February 2 in memory of the Virgin Mary presenting her child Jesus to the temple ... The pure white flower became an emblem of Our Lady's purity." (Mary's Flowers)

Also, Blessed Among Men shares a Candlemas Fair based on Time, Light, and Purification by Trial. There are many more ideas here you can incorporate into your celebration.
Here's an article I ran upon with a cute poem for copywork.
If Candlemas be fair and bright
Winter will have another flight
If Candlemas brings cloud and rain
Winter is gone and won't come again
I'll probably have Snuggle Bug copy this and The House Cat copy the excerpt from "Mary's Flower's " above.

We are going to search the house and gather all the candles. Tonight we'll have a candlelight dinner. Then we'll end our day with these night prayers.